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Old News & Announcements

30.09.12: Do you use heating Oil? Members of the Pucklechurch 'Oil Club' recently took delivery of their first oil under the scheme.  This delivery has demonstrated that by collectively pooling our orders we can save circa £230 on 1000 litres when compared to ordering individually.  That has to be worth having.  The next order date will be Sunday, 7th October. To join the club click here…

30.09.12: Details of 5678 School Of Dance who meet Saturday mornings have bee
n added to the weekly meetings

21.09.12: Pucklechurch Under Threat?
CGR EG area tn
Some of you may be aware that a consultation is in progress over boundary changes that will affect Pucklechurch Parish. The changes could have a profound effect on our community identity and how decisions are made for Pucklechurch.

Pucklechurch Parish Council feels that a consultation leaflet sent out by SGC is unclear on the importance of this and the implications for Pucklechurch.  We also feel that a significant number of people did not receive it. We have tried to get SGC to send out a better document to ALL households but we are told by the head of democratic services that:

1. The document is clear and the evidence for this is that people in Pucklechurch are not contacting SGC to say that they don't understand what it is about.

2. In the whole of Pucklechurch Parish only TWO households were missed in the distribution of the leaflet (see image).

Please help Pucklechurch by filling in a simple form - it really will take less than a minute.  Once you have done this a copy will automatically be sent to SGC and also for the Parish Council.

Many thanks for your time - this really is important to our community.

If you DID receive the document click here…

If you did NOT receive the document click here…

19.09.12: Pucklechurch Parish Council Is looking to employ a parish orderly. The role is for 15 flexible hours per week. If you are interested in applying please contact the clerk for a copy of the job Specification.
TEL NO: 0117 9372398

18.09.12: Community Art Project, Coxgrove Hill to M4 cycle path - Come and join us making sculptures for the new cycle path.  Members of the public are invited have a go at woodcarving in preparation for making seats to go along the path. Also if anyone creative ideas for the area Rachel Goodchild will be able to help you make it real. During September the cubs, youth group, school and external artists will contribute. Meet this Saturday (22nd September) on the bridge at the bottom of Coxgrove Hill from 9.00am.

18.09.12: The Autumn edition of Pucklechurch News is now available online. Click the thumbnail below view or to download the PDF
PN Autumn 2012 tn02

04.09.12: Street art for Oaktree Avenue underpass. Members of Pucklechurch Youth Group created a number of  panels for the underpass in a four day long art project in August. See Photos here but better still, go and see for yourself.

03.09.12: The Pucklechurch Revel Committee are proud to sponsor the eighth annual Bob Stone Memorial Photography Competition and invite entries from amateur photographers in the local area. The closing date for entries is 24th September. More details here...

03.09.12: Plastic recyling: The parish council have increased the frequency of emptying the plastic recycling bin in the Community Centre car park. This bin will take all plastics marked 1,2,5 and 6 which includes plastic bottles, jars, kitchenware, yogurt containers trays and other containers (see this list for more details). However, much of the plastic in the bin at present is made up of bottles.  These are collected by SITA as part of your curbside collection and it would be a great help if these were not put in the bin in the community centre car park.


Community Governance Review
Consultation – Emersons Green

By the time you read this you may have received a leaflet regarding a proposal to create a new parish for Emersons Green.  Pucklechurch Parish Council believes that the information that has been circulated is not clear about what this may or may not mean for Pucklechurch as a parish.

At an extra-ordinary full parish council meeting held on Saturday 25th August 2012, Councillors agreed to formally ask South Gloucestershire Council to withdraw the consultation in its current format.

Please consider your response to the leaflet in light of this as well as further information which may be found here... (opens a PDF document)

No 1. To discuss/agree Pucklechurch Parish Council's position reference S.G.C. Community Governance Review.
No 2. To discuss distributing an information leaflet to residents.

20.08.12: Emerson's Green Area - Community Governance Review. All households in the parish are receiving this survey from South Gloucestershire Council  Pucklechurch Parish Council do not feel that the information supplied is in enough detail for residents to make an informed decision. The Parish Council will meet on the morning of Saturday, 25th August (full details will be published when they are known) to decide on how to ensure that residents have adequate information on which to make a decision.  As this is a Parish Council meeting it is open for members of the public to attend and rules on participation may be found here…

14.08.12: Street art for Oaktree Avenue underpass. Members of Pucklechurch Youth Group will be creating a number of panels for the underpass in a four day long art project starting Tuesday, 21st August. Similar projects around the country have resulted in reducing offensive graffiti and enhancing the area involved. This project is supported by Pucklechurch Parish Council that believe it will be a positive initiative. Permission has been granted by SGC who own the underpass.

10.08.12: Phase II of the Coxgrove Hill to Westerleigh extension of the Bristol to Bath path. Volunteers are needed daily on weekdays from Wed 15th August for six weeks to help lay the dust path. Any time that volunteers can donate would be very much appreciated. Evening working is a possibility if the demand is there. Tools and safety wear provided. Please wear suitable working clothes and boots. For more information call Matt on 07553052183 or email

10.08.12: The Parish Council will now meet twice a month on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.

10.08.12: Brandy Bottom Colliery is recognised by English Heritage as the best example of a Victorian coal mine in the country. The remains are being restored by the Avon Industrial Buildings Trust. The work will take many years but during restoration work you are welcome to drop by and one of the industrial archaeologists will be more than happy to show you round the site. The dates in August when Brandy Bottom will be open are Saturday, 11th and Saturday, 25th (these could change so check at

28.07.12: Janet Biggin, Chairman of South Gloucestershire Council, opens the mixed-use path from Coxgrove Hill to the M4 in Pucklechurch.
Coxgrove - M4 opening 03tn02

Today saw the completion of a significant stretch of the sustainable transport infrastructure in South Gloucestershire. This section was completed in record time and reduced cost due to the support from volunteers, most of whom were from Pucklechurch.  More information, radio interview and photos here…

12.07.12: Do you have a spare room for a week? Volunteers are arriving from around the country to help build the extension of the cycle path from Coxgrove Hill.  Could you put them up for a week? Dates would be 22nd to 30th July (approx). If you can help please email Matt at:

Cycle Path extension from Coxgrove Hill to Yate. Pucklechurch will adopt the Coxgrove Hill to M4 part of this route and we need volunteers to help build it. A work party is being formed from Monday, 23rd to Sunday, 30th July. The work ranges from staffing the camp (keep the fire burning, preparing lunch etc) to driving a mini digger and lots more. Training will be given where required. If you can spare a couple of day or even the full week it would really help the project. This is the last part of old railway track in the area to be re-developed.  Why not join us and become part of history?  Contact Matt at

30.06.12: Pucklechurch Primary School currently has two vacancies for Community Governors. If you would like to apply please contact Kim Brown in the School Office on 0117 937 2579. The closing date for applications is July 6th.

21.06.12: Reduce the Cost of your heating oil.
Order your oil before 6th July to take advantage of summer low rates. If you use heating oil you can reduce the cost by joining There is already a Pucklechurch village club.  There is no charge for joining.  The club negotiate a discount based on volume and that is passed onto members no matter how small an amount you order and you don't have to spend time on the phone finding the best price.  By combining multiple orders we reduced heavy goods vehicle traffic through our village. More information here…

30.05.12: The Countryside Access Group will meet on 25th June to discuss selecting a series of walks in the Pucklechurch area to be signposted and published for recreational use. If you are interested in helping please join us. Email: for more information. Meet at 8.00pm in the Community Centre meeting room.

29.05.12: Do you use domestic heating oil? Would you like to reduce your costs? A group of people representing Pucklechurch, Shortwood, Parkfield, Hinton, Doynton and Abson are working to get a better deal for our community. This is not a commercial organisation. Click here for more information.

29.05.12: The online version of Pucklechurch News is now available. Click on Thumbnail below
PN Summer 2012 tn02

29.05.12: Pucklechurch's re-enactment of the Queen's coronation to start the diamond jubilee celebrations is in the News. Read more here...

23.05.12: Redevelopment of the derelict chapel in the centre of the village. The planning applications have been refused. No further details appear to be available on the SGC website. This development was subject to two planning applications. One for the demolition of the remaining part of the chapel and the other for the erection of a detached dwelling on the site. Both have been refused.

14.05.12: The Parish Council have published the results of the recent survey on the community centre. Click here for more.

14.05.12: The results and answers to this year's Scarecrow Competition are in! Click here...

14.05.12: The Good Neighbour Scheme have updated their information here.  Are you in need of help?  Do you have a neighbour that could benefit from some additional help? Call 07961939574 or

28.04.12: Erection of detached dwelling and garage on the Congregational Chapel Site, Abson Road, Pucklechurch.  Consultation on this planning application has now finished and it awaiting a decision by SGC. Pucklechurch Parish Council has no objection in principle to the redevelopment of this site but has made a number of reservations regarding specific details of the application. The Conservation Officer for SGC has recommended the application be refused on the grounds that the proposal, by virtue of its size, form, position, scale, design and detailing would fail to have proper regard to the distinctive character and appearance of the conservation area. You can view the complete documents at the SGC Planning web site here...

IMG_0747tn0225.04.12: Missing Cat.  - Has been found!

19.04.12: The Parish Council minutes for the February and March meetings are now online here...

19.04.12: NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY for Parish Councillor.  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN  that a casual vacancy has occurred in the Office of Councillor for the Parish of Pucklechurch due to the resignation of a Councillor.

The Council are able to fill this vacancy by co-option and would like to invite candidates to apply.

If you would like to apply, please send written application to the clerk at the above address. Please include a few lines explaining your reasons for applying.

Closing date for applications:
21st May 2012

18.04.12: Agenda for the Parish Council meeting to be held on 18th April is available online here...

31.03.12: The spring edition of Pucklechurch News is now available as a PDF.  Click the thumbnail below to download a copy.

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16.03.12: The agenda for the 03/16 Parish Council meeting is now published here...

12.03.12: New mobile phone text service introduced by Pucklechurch Parish Council. Text a problem to 0795 008 1307. For more information on costs and how to use the service, click here...

12.03.12: Full details of the 2012 Scarecrow competition and trail are published here...

01.03.12: Parish Council minutes for the January meeting have been published (not Feb as originally stated)

01.03.12: Pucklechurch Revel now have a Facebook Page where you can share experiences and photos

01.03.12: Details of new Bed & Breakfast accommodation have been added to the Village Directory

01.03.12: Local Dog Rambling Group ~ Would you like to join a Dog Walking Group in the Emerson’s Green & Pucklechurch area? Afternoon walks during the week and at weekends.  Phone Sue on 07535 996681 for more information. More information here...

01.03.12: Save on Your Heating Oil ~ Would you like to obtain a cheaper price for your domestic heating oil? PuckOil, the Pucklechurch Oil Project, is an attempt to negotiate a preferential rate for our community.  For more information, click here...

17.02.12: Information on Zumba  Fitness Classes (meets Wednesdays at 6.00pm) and 'Slimming World' (meets Thursday at 7.30pm) have been added to the list of weekly events.

10.02.12: Pucklechurch Parish Council have published the agenda for the meeting to be held on 15/02/2012.  A summary may be found here...

07.02.12: Calling All Entertainers: Can you juggle or play the spoons? Can you play a musical instrument? Can you act a short sketch? Can you do stand-up comedy? Then we are looking for you for an Entertainment Night at The Star Inn. We want local people to entertain at The Star on a Saturday night in April or May (date to be confirmed). The event is to raise money for the village children. Please contact Lori-Anne on 07966243894 or e-mail:

07.02.12: COMMONS ACT 2006: APPLICATION FOR NEW TOWN OR VILLAGE GREEN - LAND KNOWN AS THE GREEN, OAKTREE AVENUE. PUCKLECHURCH. Public. Notice is given that a Rights of Way Site Visit to land identified above will take place on Friday, 24th February 2012. There will be an opportunity for the applicant, supporters and objectors to the application to address the members of the committee before they commence their walk of the area. However, other than to ask questions of fact or to seek clarification from those present, members will not enter into debate with any third parties. Click here for further information (opens a pdf document).

31.01.2012: The winter 2012 edition of Pucklechurch News is now available as a PDF. Click the image below.
PN Winter 2012 tn02

31.01.2012: Safer Stronger Community Group have issued a warning about two internet scams:
1. ATM PIN Number Reversal hoax email ~ read more here...
2. Fake message from police claiming computer was used to access illegal websites ~ read more here...

30.01.2012: Parish Council minutes for December 2011 are now available online

30.01.2012: Bus Service ~ Notice from Parish Council: The Parish Council has received concerns about the bus service for Pucklechurch. To be able to take action to address the concerns we need your help. Should you experience a problem with the service please contact the clerk with the date, time and details so that the information can be recorded and forwarded to South Gloucestershire Council's Transport Department for action. The Clerk can be contacted on: Tel no. 01179372398 Email Or complete an online form by clicking here.

27.01.2012: The second defibrillator has been installed in the village by the HeartStart project at the PVSSC (Top Club) in St Aldam’s Drive - details here.

11.01.2012: Planning Application for a Surgery on Land Off Oaktree Avenue.
East Elevation 280

Full details may be found at the SGC Planning website here... The closing date for comments is 2nd February.

03.01.2011: The Good Neighbours’ Scheme page has been updated.

03.01.2012: Don't be left behind
Superfast broadband is being rolled out across the country but some areas may not get it for years. As soon as fast broadband is available, you will see entertainment, communications, government and other services using it. Many people in the community work or run businesses from home. Areas that don't have Superfast broadband will not be as attractive to live in and property prices could be affected.

Make sure that Pucklechurch doesn't get left behind. Complete the SGC online survey.  It takes less than 10 minutes. Click on the link below for the survey.

03.01.2012: Parish Council Surgery. Pucklechurch Parish Council is holding a surgery in the Community Centre Meeting Room, Abson Road, Pucklechurch on Saturday, 7th January, 2012 10am - 12 o’clock.

The Council would like to meet residents and understand any issues or concerns they may have.

They would like to receive feedback, both positive and negative, and would be happy to discuss current issues or concerns.

Diane Bailey, Clerk.

If you want to see earlier News and Announcements then click here.