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June 2006

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I hope everyone has noticed that on Fridays we now have a fruit and veg stall in the car park of the Community Centre. I think that this is a wonderful addition to the village and would like it to continue there for the foreseeable future. For this to be so, it needs to be a viable concern, but at present this is in the balance. If the village wishes to keep this facility, then it needs to be used. If it is not used, we will lose it.

Will enough people use the stall for it still to be here next Christmas? Time will tell.

Anna Sharpe

Dear Editor,

From 2-10 September this year, I will be undertaking an international challenge along the Great Wall of China to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.  I decided to undertake this Challenge in memory of my late mother who died in 2004 from the disease.

I will be paying my own travel costs, so all monies raised will go directly to Cancer Research UK. My aim is to raise at least £1,000 for this worthy cause, and I'm already halfway there.

The challenge involves trekking for five days for 6-8 hours each day, often over hilly and difficult terrain. I am currently undertaking a rigorous training programme which includes lots of uphill walking.

If anyone in our village would like to sponsor me in this challenge, they can contact me at Pear Tree Cottage, 79 Westerleigh Road, Pucklechurch, by telephone at 937 3869, or by email at

I'd be happy to report back to Pucklechurch News on my China adventure!

Maureen Rendall

Dear Editor,

Now that the weather is getting a lot better, one can sit in one's garden. For the last two hours, I have been trying to have a peaceful time sitting in my garden, but a dog has been barking constantly for the whole time and has not been taken in or told to be quiet. It seems some dog owners show no concern for other people. (I was a dog owner once, so I like dogs and know how to control them.) This letter is just a reminder for dog owners to be a bit more considerate of other people.



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