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December 2006

Green Belt

Charity Trek



Dear Editor,

I would like to thank all those people who signed my petition with regard to the Green Belt around Pucklechurch back in August. I was absolutely staggered by the response. I collected over 175 signatures in just one week. I started the petition as a result of an item in the Gazette and I thought that other people might feel as strongly as I do about this issue. I was totally unaware that Councillor Sandra Grant had also organized a petition, as I did not receive her letter and so probably would not have bothered with mine. I am delighted to know that South Gloucestershire Council is in favour of preserving the Green Belt and have committed a significant amount of money to this end.

By the appointed deadline, I, together with Sandra Grant and others from South Gloucestershire who had similar petitions, set off for the offices of the South West Regional Council in Temple Quay. Sandra had over 750 replies to her letter regarding the Green Belt. With the help of the Friends of the Earth, I was able to complete the appropriate form and find the right offices.

Whilst we were waiting for permission to enter the building and present the petitions. However, in a Monty Python moment, I was astonished to be told that no member of staff from the Regional Council was going to come out and receive the petitions. I was even more shocked at being refused entry to the building. We were informed that just ONE person could enter the building to hand in all the petitions at reception. They would not even let us in one at a time -- only ONE person was permitted entry. This is the first time I have been denied entry to a public building! About ten days later, I did receive notification from the West Regional Council that they were in receipt of my petition.

What I found most disturbing was that the members of the West Regional Council are NOT elected, they are appointed. This faceless body comprised of people I know nothing about are making very important decisions that will have far-reaching effects on my life and my children’s lives.  If we don’t like what they are suggesting or doing, we have no power via the ballot box to register a protest and vote them out. The question is how do we inform them of our dissatisfaction?

Anna Sharpe

Dear Editor,  

Your last edition of Pucklechurch News carried an article about my planned trek along part of the Great Wall of China to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. I managed to complete this last month and have raised just over £2500 for the Charity. I should like to thank people in the village for their personal donations and all who supported my tombola stall at the Pucklechurch Revel in June, the latter raising £206. Special thanks go also to Pucklechurch Primary School, which raised a total of £185 by supporting my trek via a 'non-uniform' day.

 The trek itself got off to an inauspicious start as problems with security and the baggage system at London's Heathrow Airport led to the suspension of check-in and our group of 13 missing our flight to Beijing. However, we were put up in local hotels and managed to board a flight the following evening.

Despite a rigorous training programme, the trek was still the most physically challenging thing I have ever done. I don't think anything can really prepare you for walking up and down steep steps for 8 hours a day. My first experience of camping was fun, but the toilet and washing facilities were definitely not 5-star -- a communal hole in the ground leaves a lot to be desired!

 Although the trekking was harder than I had anticipated, I met a great bunch of people to share this very special journey which I will always remember.

 Thanks again to the people of Pucklechurch for their support and donations.

Maureen Rendall


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