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Features - September 2008

Stop Press
Extreme Makeover of the Village Hall
Pucklechurch Interactive Tour Online
Photo Competition & Exhibition
South Gloucestershire Local Food & Drink F
Pucklechurch Players’ Panto
Revel AGM
NSPCC Auction
Going South Walk


Public Meeting on the Regional Spatial Strategy

Steve Webb, MP

Tuesday, 23rd September

7.30 pm in the Village Hall

The Secretary of State has proposed that 8,000 new homes be built between Shortwood and Siston Common - that is equivalent to eight Pucklechurches!  It will make Shortwood a part of Bristol with associated loss of identity and community spirit.  This will also mean that the urban expansion of Bristol will move ever closer to Pucklechurch.

These changes are subject to twelve weeks public consultation which closes on the 24th October 2008.  

For more details click here...


Extreme Makeover of the Village Hall

Many years ago the community came together to build the Village Hall. It wasn't easy, but people pulled together and got the job done. It is now time to come together again to ensure that the Village Hall continues to fulfil its current and future role in the community. The PCA are looking to transform the building, taking advantage of the latest green technology to ensure that it is both economical and efficient to run.

After the successful meeting on the 15th July, the PCA are looking for people willing to help shape the Village Hall of the future. There are many roles that need filling: fundraising, preparing grant applications, committee membership. We need people to take an active part. If you are able to help in any way, please contact Tina Symons at or on 07771 907869.


Pucklechurch Interactive Tour Online

Those of you who are avid listeners of Radio Bristol in the early evening will no doubt have heard several Pucklechurch residents being interviewed by Ben Prater for broadcast as part of his regular feature “Ben’s Bingo Balls”. The interviews heralded a new feature on the BBC Bristol website – an interactive tour of some of the historic sites in Pucklechurch. The tour features images accompanied by an audio commentary recorded when the BBC came to visit our village early in June.

Local BBC journalists have been putting together a programme to try and make sure that their web pages are more regionally representative. Pucklechurch was chosen to be the first village to receive the BBC treatment, and this is the first interactive map they’ve produced for the site. Caron Parsons, a BBCi journalist who came out to the village said, “We’ve had lots of positive feedback,” and she told me that the Pucklechurch tour even made a guest appearance as the top story on the BBC England homepage. Personally, I had a thoroughly enjoyable sunny Monday morning showing our village off, and now it’s nice to know that other people around the world will be able to see and hear some of its fascinating history for themselves no matter where they live.

To view the tour for yourself, follow the links from the Pucklechurch website (

Gail Boyle


Photo Competition & Exhibition

Entries for the 4th annual Bob Stone Memorial Photography Competition, sponsored by the Revelcamera Committee, are due in by September 21st. The competition is open to amateur photographers who are residents of Pucklechurch, Shortwood, Abson, Westerleigh, Hinton, Doynton, and Dyrham and any student attending Pucklechurch Primary School. Rule sheets are available from the Pucklechurch Post Office, Michael Walker Newsagent, Pucklechurch Primary School, or on the Pucklechurch Community Website ( The competition will offer cash prizes in two age groups (17 and under, 18 and over) and two categories (village life, everything else).

The exhibition and prize-giving will be held on Sunday, 12th October, from 10am to 1pm in the Village Hall. There will also be an exhibition of other photos and artefacts from Pucklechurch Primary School. Tea and coffee will be available. Come along and have an interesting morning and a cup of tea.


South Gloucestershire Local Food & Drink Festival 2008

The popular South Gloucestershire Local Food & Drink Festival is back again for the fourth time from Saturday, 13 September, to Sunday, 12 October.

  • Would you like to visit a farm, bakery or brewery to see where your local food and drink is produced?
  • Are you keen to watch a cookery or craft butchery demonstration?
  • Ever wanted to see how ice cream is made or picnic in a traditional Gloucestershire orchard?

Then join in this year’s festival of food and drink! Brochures with full details of all the events, which include several farm, bakery and brewery visits, can be found at libraries, leisure centres and tourist information centres. Alternatively you can contact Val Harding, the Local Food Co-ordinator at South Gloucestershire Council, on 01454 863883 or e-mail or visit the Council website at and go to the section on local food for a brochure.


comedy04Pucklechurch Players' Panto

It's Pucklechurch Players' pantomime year -- oh yes it is! There will be performances on Thursday, the 4th, Friday the 5th, and two performances on Saturday, the 6th of December.

This year we will be bringing you the delights of 'Goody Two Shoes' by Paul Reakes. Come along and meet the evil sorceress Septica and her magic shoes, the comic duo Polo and Rolo, and a host of other characters that make this a really funny and entertaining pantomime for all the family to enjoy. We usually sell out for our panto performances, and as we had a complete sellout for both performances of 'Beyond a Joke', which we staged in May, we recommend you book your tickets early to avoid disappointment. Watch out for our posters later in the year giving information on obtaining your tickets.

If you fancy joining us either on stage or back stage (there are always plenty of jobs behind the scenes!), please get in touch with us by calling Susie on 937 2974 or Clare on 937 2137. You will be most welcome.

Pucklechurch Players' Race Night, held in June, was a huge success and a good time was had by all. We donated half the proceeds to Revel funds, so a big thank you to those of you who came along and bet on the horses. We plan to hold another Race Night during June next year, so do come along and join in the fun!

If you have been in the Village Hall recently, you are sure to have noticed the new curtains hanging at the back of the hall. These were purchased out of our group funds with the help of a Revel donation made to us following Revel 2007. We hope you agree that they make a huge improvement to the look of the hall.

That’s all for now, folks! And don’t forget, watch out for 'Goody Two Shoes' posters this autumn!

Susie Hawkins

Revel AGM
Notice of Meeting

Wednesday, 24th September,
7.30 for 8.00pm in the Village Hall

All village organisations and
individuals are invited to attend.

Chairman's & Treasurer's Report
Presentation of the Bob Stone Memorial Award
Donations to Local Groups
Election of Officers
(Revel Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer,
Secretary, Beer Festival Chair)




Did you think you’d missed it? Well, you haven’t. The Pucklechurch auction of goods and promises in aid of the NSPCC takes place this year on Saturday, October 4th.

The village support group is collecting lots to go under the hammer at the village hall and would be grateful for any contributions. In particular, members are asking for promises. In the past, offers to clear out your airing cupbard, cook a meal in your home or even be your slave for a day have proved popular. If you can help, please contact Juliet Hills on 937 2279 or Andrea Ryland on 937 3041.

Please join us on the night at the Community Centre. Viewing will be from 7.15 and the auction begins at  8pm.

Linda Tanner


Going South Walk

Start at Village Hall car park. Approx 2½ miles, 1-1½ hrs.
Terrain: mainly flat, across fields and tracks

From Village Hall walk straight across Rec to The Star Inn (Castle Road). Turn right and walk downhill to T junction. Cross over road, turn left, and after approximately 20 yards turn right into Marsh Farm drive. Follow drive to bend and just past copse on right. Immediately after copse, climb over stile, following directional sign, and keeping close to hedge on right. Walk through gateway/over stile and bear left. Aim for gap in hedge, top left of field. Cross stile and bear diagonally left, heading for white fence posts.

Climb stile, cross road, and climb stile. Walk straight ahead keeping close to fence on left. At fence corner, turn left and walk to field end, keeping close to fence. Climb stile into next field, noting directional arrow pointing diagonally right. Aim for electricity pole, passing close by a water trough. From pole continue diagonally downwards to field boundary with stream. Continue walking with stream on left until you reach the field corner, and a stile leading to a metal bridge over Feltham Brook at Locks Bottom.

Don’t cross the brook. EITHER squeeze through the gap before the bridge and turn right up the track, OR walk up the field close to left hand hedge until you reach a stile. Climb over and descend steps to the track. Turn right. This is Redford Lane. Follow it all the way up to its junction with Abson Road.

Carefully cross the road and carry straight on along the full length of Back Lane. You will meet the cycle track at the junction with Shortwood Road (Police Station Hill). Turn right up cycle track to its junction with road leading to Trading Estate/Prison. Cross over and follow footpath over green. Continue along road (Becket Court) to grassed area. Cut across this to steps leading down to top of Birch Drive. Turn left and then right onto footpath between houses (Birch Drive on left, Cedar Way on right) to footpath junction. Turn left uphill, then right along alleyway which brings you out at Abson Road. Use zebra crossing to return to Village Hall car park.

SHORT ALTERNATIVES from Marsh Farm entrance: Don’t walk up drive, instead go through kissing gate in front of you and keep close to right-hand hedge. At field end, climb stile. On track for Lower Hodden, 

EITHER turn right and walk to junction with Abson Road, then turn right to return to village centre,

OR continue straight on track past house and garden on your right, up through field and along narrow footpath between hedge on and garden on right to Hodden Lane. Turn right and walk to junction with Abson Road, then turn right to return to village centre,

OR continue straight on again by crossing Hodden Lane and walking through kissing gate and walk straight across field to another kissing gate where you emerge into Redford Lane. Turn right and walk to junction with Abson Road. From here you can return to village by turning right,

OR follow directions in paragraph beginning "Carefully cross the road…"

We are continuing to walk our parish footpaths and check on any blockages, damaged or broken stiles, etc. We can’t be everywhere, however, so if you know of any problems, please contact us and we will inspect and, if necessary, report to South Gloucestershire Council. We hope you enjoy the walks.

Mike and Ros Abbott
 Pucklechurch Parish Public Rights of Way Wardens



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