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Pucklechurch news banner02

December 2006

Church Services
Produce Show Results
Happy Circle
Pucklechurch Twinning Association
Revel 2006 Report from the Chair
Revel 2006 Fund Distribution
Parish Council Chairman’s Notes
South Gloucestershire Council
Pucklechurch Playgroup
Pucklechurch Community Association
Christmas Tree Recycling


St Thomas à Becket, Pucklechurch

Tuesday, 12th Dec 7.30pm, Christmas Concert with the St.George Singers. Tickets £5.00. Raffle and wine available.

Christmas Services

Sunday, 3rd Dec 6.30pm, Advent Carol Service

Sunday, 17th Dec 6.30pm, Carols by Candlelight, preceded by handbells at 6.00pm

Christmas Eve 10am, Family Communion

4pm, Christingle and Nativity Service

 11.30pm, Midnight Communion, preceded by carols beginning at 11.15pm

Christmas Day 10am, Festival Family Communion (toy service)


St James the Great, Abson

     Sunday, 17th Dec 3pm, Carol Service, preceded by handbells at 2.30pm

Christmas Day 8.30am, Holy Communion

Produce Show Results

The Pucklechurch Home and Gardens Produce Show took place on Saturday, 9th September. The entries were slightly down this year, but we nevertheless had a very good show once again. We are grateful for the help and support received from everyone on the day.

Show trophies were won by the following people:Produce

  • George Alway: Gardeners' Club Shield for most points in the garden produce section; President's Salver for the most points awarded to a Pucklechurch resident; trophies for most points in the dahlia classes and the fruit classes; Community Association Trophy for the Gardeners' Club member scoring most points in show
  • Frieda Hopkins: Women's Institute Rose Bowl for the WI member scoring most points in show
  • Mrs S Mead: Women's Institute Salver for most points in the handicraft section
  • Sheridan Rendall: Western Shield for best container of chrysanthemums; Wally Sharp Trophy for best fuchsia in show; trophy for scoring most points in the flower classes
  • Grant Aitken: George Alway Shield for most points in the vegetable classes
  • June Case: Trophy for best container of roses
  • Lauren Whittock: Trophy in the 9- to 12-year-olds section
  • Oliver Whittock: Trophy in the 5- to 8-year-olds section
  • Stan Willmott: Trophy for most points in the parishioners' classes

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    Happy Circle

    Thank you to all who came to Cardiff on our last trip of the year. It was a great success.

    We are all looking forward to our Christmas Lunch on December 5th at The Star and our carols and Christmas music on December 19th. We wish all our members a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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    Pucklechurch Twinning Association

    We made our annual trip to Pringy, with 35 people ranging in age from 8 to 80 travelling this year. We travelled to Portsmouth on a Friday night and nearly didn’t make the ferry due to an accident on the M4, getting to the port with 1 minute to spare! As we drove onto the ferry, the crew pulled the back of the ship up behind us and we were on our way. We arrived on Saturday morning, greeted friends old and new, and met up with the families we were staying with. Members visited a range of places, including a castle dedicated to the traditional stories of Perrault (Cinderella, Puss in Boots) and a glass-blowing factory. On Sunday, our French hosts took us to the town of Chantilly, famous for cream and lace, as well as the race course and stables. We were treated to a visit to the horse museum and then an explanation and display of dressage, followed by a lovely meal in an old farmhouse. On Monday and Tuesday we visited Paris and Versailles, where we visited the sights, despite the rain and wind. On our way home, we visited Monet’s garden in Giverny and then continued to the port, leaving plenty of time!

    We now await the return visit of the French next year!

    If you interested in experiencing the fun of twinning, which includes our many social events throughout the year as well as the visits, please contact Lesley Broom on 937 2025 or Ann Smith on 937 2030. To find out more visit the Twinning web site here.


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    Revel 2006 Report from the Chair

    Revel 2006 proved another successful year. Revel Week was made up again of a combination of Revel and village organisation events, starting with the Treasure Hunt and the Pucklechurch Players Race Night. The Twinning Ramble offered an opportunity to explore the great outdoors around the village, and the energy of the children at the Junior Folk Dance -- to say nothing of that of Alan Holder who keeps the whole operation in order -- never fails to amaze me! The School Concert, as ever, was delightful, with all the young performers singing and playing their hearts out. Well done to all of them!

    The Pram Race had always been one of Bob Todd’s main interests and so we decided that it should be named in his memory. This year it was held entirely on the Rec, which made it a much more colourful and spectator-friendly event. Thanks go to Vicky Freestone for doing the barbecue.

    The Youth Disco was again well attended and coincided with the first night of the Beer Festival, which is becoming more and more popular -- its fame has spread far beyond the village.

    Our theme of ‘Food, Glorious Food’ drew some excellent entries for the parade, which seemed more colourful than ever this year. A sincere thank you goes to Shirley and Keith Hall who had the difficult task of judging the entries.

    Particular thanks go to Raymond and Yvette Jones, who provided the Horse and Carriage for our ‘Royal Family’, free of charge, as their way of acknowledging the contribution Bob Todd made towards Revel.

    In the arena, our main attraction, the ’Tom and Tilly Turnip’ clown act went down well with the children, who also had a great time testing their athletic skills during the sports competitions, which were once again organised and run by the PCA. We were also very pleased to have a record number of Harleys with us this year, taking part both in the parade and in the arena. The Craft Fayre has become one of the events synonymous with Revel, and our thanks go to Juliet Hills for organising this once again.

    The week concluded with the Revel Service of Thanksgiving at St Thomas à Becket Church on Sunday, June 18. We would like to extend our thanks to the church for agreeing to keep the Bob Stone Memorial Trophy in its care following the beautiful celebration of the lives of the two Bobs, held in the church on January 22nd of this year.

    We did very well with fundraising this year, and we distributed £6,700 towards village activities and organisations. That sum included almost £2,500 donated in Bob Todd's memory, along with £231.60 in memory of Mr. Fredrick Twyman, in accordance with the wishes of their respective families. Revel funds were also boosted this year by a further £201, kindly donated by Alan and Von Holder, from the proceeds of the recent ‘Open Gardens Day’.

    September 24th saw the exhibition of entries for Revel Photography Competition, the event named in memory of Bob Stone. In addition to the entries in the competition, a special display of photographs taken by Mr. Pat Scanlon, depicting "A Year in the Life of Pucklechurch" 25 years ago attracted a great deal of interest. We owe a thank-you to Pat and his son John, who very kindly allowed us to exhibit the collection.

    At the AGM we presented the ‘Bob Stone Annual Trophy’ for best contribution to Revel 2006. The recipient of this award is selected by the village organisations, who are invited to nominate and then vote for their favoured nominee.

    All in all, it was another good year for Revel. Long may it continue! Finally, I would like to say a sincere thank-you to everyone who contributed towards Revel 2006, especially to the committee members who have supported me during my time as Chair and have given so generously of their time and energy to make this year’s Revel the success it was.

                                                                         Cyndi Hill, 2006 Revel Chair

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    Revel 2006 Fund Distribution

    Cricket Clubs & Football Clubs (joint request)


    Upgrade changing facilities in Community Centre

    Mums & Minors


    Materials to make a sign

    Pucklechurch Community Association


    Towards refurbishment of guttering

    Pucklechurch Playgroup


    New chairs and tables for Community Centre

    Tower Playgroup


    Small sofa and bookcase

    Twinning Association


    Subsidising children's fares for Pringy visit

    Pucklechurch Scout Group Executive


    Maintenance of Scout Hut



    Activities during 2006-07



    Activities during 2006-07

    Toehill Explorers


    Large tent for Jamboree

    1st Rainbows


    Activities during 2006-07

    2nd Rainbows


    Activities during 2006-07

    1st Brownies


    Activities during 2006-07

    2nd Brownies


    Activities during 2006-07

    1st Guides


    Gravel and plants for a wildlife pond

    St Thomas à Becket Church


    Sunday School books for ages 4-11 years

    Pucklechurch Players


    News drapes for stage

    Happy Circle


    2007 outings and entertainment

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    Parish Council Chairman’s Notes

    Parking in Parkfield

    At a recent Council meeting, we received a letter about parking from a Parkfield resident. As very few of the houses in Parkfield have garages, the majority of people have to park elsewhere. The only available space is the strip of land opposite the houses. While most people would prefer to park outside their own house, this may not always be possible, particularly when others have visitors or have more than one car. Some residents have placed cones, house numbers, or other signs to indicate that a particular piece of land is reserved for them. The land used for parking belongs to South Gloucestershire Council, however, and is available for everyone to use as long as they do not cause an obstruction. I would ask that all people in Parkfield act in a neighbourly way, as I am sure most of them do, and refrain from designating specific areas for their own use.

    Emerson's Green East

    Councillors recently met with representatives of the developers of Emerson's Green East, the land on the opposite side of the Ring Road from Sainsbury's and other shops. The initial planning application for the site was made in 2004, and following the implementation of South Glos Council’s Local Plan last January, an amended application was made last August. The present plan is for 2,650 homes, although there is space for further development. The site also has space reserved for two primary schools and a secondary school should this be necessary in the future.

    The timescale for this development, which is mostly within our parish, is that South Glos Council will meet to make its decision on the application in the middle of next year. If the application is agreed, the first homes will be ready for occupation sometime in 2008/09.The whole of the development would be completed in 2013/14.

    Councillors expressed concern that there is no scope for an additional shopping centre on the new site, merely the provision of two small retail areas. We felt that the parking facilities adjacent to Sainsbury's and other shops are often full at present, and a further several hundred cars would be intolerable. We will be writing to South Glos Council to express our view with the aim of bringing about some changes both to the parking issues and the need for more shops. 

    Litter Bins

    From time to time we receive requests for litter bins in various parts of Pucklechurch and Shortwood. Whilst we consider every request with care, it is often unviable to install them. The cost of bins, including installation, is over £340. We also have to ask South Glos Council to empty them, which they do at present but may not always be able to do in the future. We would not wish to stop installing bins, but we cannot grant every request for them.

     Finally, may I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and good wishes for 2007.

    Omar Beg, Chairman 

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    South Gloucestershire Council

    Speed Watch

    The first Speed Watch meeting was very successful, with 19 residents attending. Sgt. Wright gave a presentation, assisted by Alison Tull. The places where the worst speeding occurs have been identified, and now a risk assessment has to be completed by the beat constable before the speed camera training will be given. Whilst we were successful in getting a grant to fund the project almost a year ago, the cheapest speed camera has been withdrawn, so we need more funding to purchase our own camera. If anyone has any fundraising ideas or wishes to join the group, please contact Frank Rogers on 937 3067, Peter Rendall on 937 3869 or Sandra Grant on 937 3164.

    Future Health Services 

    At the time of writing, public consultation, which has been advertised in the press and doctors' surgeries, is taking place on the three options for future health services in the Kingswood and District Area. The three options are:

    1. Refurbishment of Cossham Hospital and Kingswood Health Centre.
    2. New build on the Cossham Hospital site and refurbishment of Kingswood Health Centre.
    3. New build on Kingswood Health Centre site.

     For more information, phone the project manager Paul Frisby on 0117 330 2432 or write to South Gloucestershire PCT at 1 Monarch Court,  Emerald Business Park, Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire, BS16 7FH or visit the consultation site here.

     Neighbourhood Policing

     I attended a Safer, Stronger Neighbourhood meeting explaining the role of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and the new Neighbourhood Policing (NP) approach. The four main points of NP are:

  • By 2008 Avon and Somerset Constabulary aims to increase existing (PCSO) numbers to 541.
  • The traditional role of the Community Beat Manager will be professionalised and enhanced to that of Neighbourhood Beat Manager and will involve a greater leadership role with partners and communities.
  • The extended police "family" (PCSOs, Neighbourhood Watch Special Constables, volunteers and the Community Accreditation Scheme) will play a pivotal role in Neighbourhood Policing.
  • The community will play a greater role in identifying and responding to local issues.
  • For more information contact

    Happy Christmas to you all.

     Sandra Grant

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    Would you like to send your child to playgroup?

    Come in and look around!

    For children from 2 years 6 months up to school age

    9.15 to 11.45am Weekdays
     12.30 to 2.45pm Wednesdays
    (term time only)
    in the Community Centre

    For further information, call
    George Wynter on 937-3064 or
    Katherine Robbins on 937-4658

    Registered charity number 1032634
    Registration number 136060

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    Pucklechurch Community Association

    October's musical evening, which was arranged to raise funds for the PCA, was a success. Many thanks to everyone who came along and to those who gave raffle prizes and donations.

    There have been problems recently with bags of rubbish left in the Village Hall car park. Unauthorises rubbish is also being put into the skip in the churchyard. This skip is for cemetery use only. Offenders' names will be handed to the police. Please take your rubbish to the tip at Yate or Mangotsfield -- opening times are 8-4.15 Mon-Fri; Sat 8-4; Sun 9 -1.

    Christmas Tree RecyclingG0134026

    This is just a reminder that Christmas trees are no longer collected separately by South Gloucestershire Council. Use your green wheelie bin to dispose of your tree – for real trees only, of course!  You can cut the branches off and leave the trunk outside of the bin if necessary. Please do not bring your tree to the Village Hall car park, as they are no longer collected there and can pose a fire hazard.


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    Pucklechurch NSPCC group wishes all its supporters a very happy Christmas and New Year. We are very grateful for your continued backing, which has enabled us to raise £5,800 for the charity since April.

    Plans are under way for our popular cheese and wine quiz, which takes place on March 3, 2007 in the community centre. Our annual auction of goods and promises will be on May 12.

    Linda Tanner


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